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Welcome to janice's blog =)
Tuesday, February 28

相信自己可以做到 就一定能够做得到!

I have completed my 3 years of Dip In Nursing!! =) My SN path will start on Apr at NHC! =)

This was my wish after completing my O levels. Wish for after grad from sec sch to get into poly to pursue dip in nursing. Though i was enrolled in ITE for 2 years, to think about it, i love the path that was created for me. 2 years of ITE helped to build up my confidence level and gave me the experiences of being a junior nurse. That's how my nursing path started from 2005. After ITE, my wish of getting into poly was still not fulfilled yet due to the requirements of GPA 3.5 above and 2 years of experience for GPA 3.0 to 3.5. I didn't give up. Working at SNEC for 2 years was a choice i'll never regret =) The working experience there improved my interpersonal relationship and my communication skills =) Finally my wish came true on 2009 where i was accepted into NYP for Dip in Nursing =)

Thanks to my sister from SNEC for supporting me and helping me to write recommendation letter =) My hard work pays off =) Getting enrolled into NYP was a challenging one. Initially, the path wasn't that smooth, with so many modules and working with young classmates (most of them fresh grad from O) and the stress level was high! Especially first semester we already have skill tests, projects and practical tests! My assumption of knowledge from ITE will help for my sem 1 was wrong! The information we had to study was much more than ITE. ITE was just basics and NYP was more in depth. I started to regret my choice of upgrading as the days goes! But i reminded myself i have waited for so long to get into poly, shall not waste my effort and all those who are supporting me, not to disappoint them.

Motivation works! =) I motivated myself throughout and go through all those stress together with my lovely friends i met at poly, my lovely cliques =) They are the ones who kept me striving on =) and my family too =)

Now i have achieved what i wanted! To Become SN! =) Next up will be getting degree and adv dip =) My wish is to become Nurse Clinician or Clinical Instructor =) I will work hard now to achieve my goal =)

It's not easy to become SN, especially the roles and responsiblities were much more than being EN. There's a verse that says "Greater power comes greater responsibility" True isn't it =) The more power u have, the more responsibilites u have =)

A new chapter begins now! As i enjoyed my last long holidays of being a student, i shall prepare myself soon for work! =)

Let's keep striving on for a brighter future ahead =) Wish all my nursing friends all the best! I'll remember all of them especially my awesome class =) Our friendship don't stop here! Hope to meet up with them whenever we could =)

幸福 快乐的生活
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 7:54 PM __

Friday, December 30


2011 ending!

This year is a memorable year for me =) I am quite happy this year =) Let's blog abt it part by part!

Firstly for my studies, I am glad i was able to stay motivated and be confident especially for my last semester in campus year 3.1! It was really a challenging sem as the modules im taking not easy! I was really happy with my results and all the efforts i have put in for that sem! =) I was on D list again for second time =) This motivates me to carry on for my last lap - PRCP!! It's not easy as I have to perform SN-to-be duties! However with support from friends, family and my love, i will stay motivated and work hard for this attachment! =)

Secondly for my family, this year we had a few family outings which I treasure it lots! =) Especially our family trip to RWS and staying over at festive hotel =) This year also attended a few cousins wedding! which allows all my relatives to gather together other than CNY! usually we only gather for CNY if not my late grandma bday! after my ah ma passed away, we only gathered once a year for CNY! this year we gathered a few times coz of a few cousin's wedding =) Our family bonding became closer =) Love this moment where everyone gathered together for a happy event =)

Thirdly, for my frens! this year have been catching up with my besties and frens that we have not met for quite some time! =) It was nice catching up with most of them! =) I guess once i started working as SN, it will be difficult to meet up with them unless i meet them during my off days! Also this year most memorable is going orchard hotel with besties phoebe, joyce and xiaohui! our first time overnight together and having relaxing and enjoyable time! =D hope to have more of this outing in future! haha! =)

Lastly, for my r/s! I was really surprise by how my love came about! Especially when we first get to know each other, it was an indescribable feeling that closeness feeling as though i've known him for long when we chatted common topics and msging each other everyday! This was my first time msging with someone with msges so long and the topic can just go on and on! My attention on him started then when we found out the no of similarities we had! And i was surprise by myself how i actually dated him to watch na xie nian with me though i could have ask my other frens or wait for my besties to watch with me! somehow this guy gave me a feeling that watching with him will be right choice =) and indeed it was =) the most incredible thing then happened! when one of my fren cant meet me out last min, i actually approach him! was surprise at my own actions! i was actually hoping he could come and accompany me! and yes, he did! =) our r/s started to grew after that day and he confessed his feelings to me the next day =) I was not ready and don't really believe yet as the trust i have in love is minimal, but this guy manage to capture my heart and gained back my trust on love =) till to date, he have been treating me well and always be there for me =) I am glad and grateful for what he have done and gave me =) Our story started on nov 24 and will go on! =) This is the best thing that happened to me in 2011 =)

My 2012 wishes will be:
1. Family members all well and healthy
2. Get my SN cert and work in a place I like and can cope
3. Our r/s to be stronger =)

2012 will be better year! =)

Blog again soon!!

Have a fun day out everyone! =)

快乐 简单的生活
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 10:21 AM __

Saturday, December 10


PRCP starts!

My last attachment as a student nurse! My last lap in my course! All depends on this 12 weeks attachment! The major one! 24 module credits! This posting is really important! My journey of SN will depends on this!!

It's really amazing how i have overcome all obstacles and challenges faced since year 1! Have some so far with much perservance and motivation! Now i must give my best performance and full focus on this last attachment!

I have to boost my confident level when doing certain skills and be independent!! Most impt is getting used to the routine! =)

Enough about PRCP..haha! time flies! Dec is here! 2011 is ending!

2011 have been a happy year for me! =) A memorable and sweet one too =)

Will blog about my memorable events for this year soon! before dec ends! =D

Need to get back to my books soon!

Take care all!

Jiayou to my friends who are doing PRCP with me too!! =D


my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 8:31 PM __

Tuesday, November 22

Hello everyone!! i am back to blogger after sooooooooo long! =D

I don't blog as much as i've last time! should have just close this down! haha! but this blog have been with me for quite some time! got feelings already! haha! shall try to come and blog once awhile when im free =)

Updates about recent life, im graduating soon next year feb! though officially will be on may =) My course coming to an end soon, as i am now left with my last lap! 3 months of attachment before i graduate officially as a registered nurse! This 3 months of posting will be challenging one! As im posted to the ward which im sponsored to and i have to perform duties of a staff nurse in order to pass! What's challenging is taking cases and being the in charge of maybe whole cubicle of patients! I will have to overcome this obstacle in order to get a good grade! Not only be proactive in skills, good in theory but also must be able to relate theories into practical!

Though im having 1 month holidays and now left with only 2 weeks to go! I must not waste time anymore but start doing pre-reading for my posting!! I got 2 textbooks (one is pharmaco, one is med/surg) to read about cardio and drugs to study especially common drugs (indication, s/e, dosage and patient education)! Also need to read up my lecture notes on cardio lectures to get myself prepared!!

So many things to do! I shall make full use of my last 2 weeks to complete all this task! =)

Let's wish myself and my nursing frens all the best for our last posting!! We will all make it and graduate together!! =)

Talking about my nursing frens, my class had chalet again this year (for the last time) =) This year was at aloha changi (though its bit ulu) but still its awesome =) Though a few of them couldn't make it, but still most of us came and made it a success one =) Kind of sad that this year last chalet is the last gathering our class have, after that will be quite difficult to meet up all of them especially all of us will be working at different hospitals! Though i might bump into some of them working near me, we will not have the time to catch up as often due to our shifts =( This reminds me of my ITE days when we are graduating and seperated with my ITE frens! Glad that im still in contact with my besties from ITE and we are now together in NYP graduating next yr together! =D I shall keep my NYP cliques friendship as long as we can especially the fun time we have together is always something memorable!!

That's all for today! =)

Will blog again soon! Shall start reading one of the textbook today!! =D

Take care all =)

简单 就是 幸福
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 7:52 PM __

Sunday, March 13

-from 微薄

Exactly one week ago! i was on the flight to LA!

Thanks to all for well wishes! Me and my sis have a safe, enjoyable and tiring trip! haha! and we thank god that our trip did not fall on this week..with the earthquake on japan that just happened..Pray for japan..may god be with them through this difficult period..

Kind of emo whenever i read news about disasters..especially those major ones that causes huge damages..it's really heart breaking watching the video of tsunami swepting away the houses and vehicles..the image of all this is really scary..as if u see on tv dramas or movies..and now this is real life..its happening just like those u see in movies! i havent watch the movie 2012..i think i shall not watch it..it seems that what the movie has..is what japan is now..really freaking scary!

sigh! saw this heading on wanbao saying end of world is nearing..and there's rumors saying 2012 is end of the world..i wonder if this is true..since what happened recently, last year and now..it seems like world is really ending soon..with disasters happening around the world this few years..

i shall try not to think too much about it..just live till the fullest and treasure every moment of my life! we never know what can happen tomorrow!

well..suppose to blog about my LA trip! got side tracked and get emo..=.=! anyway i have uploaded most of the photos i took during the trip in my FB =)

just summarize hows the trip! its really cooling down there though at night will be cold, and the hotel im staying in is really nice and cosy! but my sis and i suffered jet lag so we didn't really slept well throughout the whole trip! most enjoyable moment of this trip will be going disneyland and shopping! =) overall, its was quite a fun and thrilling trip =)

I realised i don't blog often as much as i used to! maybe due to twitter and fb! twitter somehow has become life blog! haha! i tweet quite frequent but not to the extend of every hour! and i don't tweet everyday! haha! as for FB i don't really update my status as frequent also! im more into twitter =) and my next addict may be weibo! haha =)

all right..shall update again soon!

left with one week of hols before another 3 weeks of attachment starts! shall enjoy my last week of hols till the fullest! =)

take care all!

我爱我的家人 和我现在的生活
简单 就是 幸福
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 10:44 PM __