Sunday, May 23
羅志祥 "舞法舞天" 新加坡演唱會 好看慘了!!!

帅呆了!! haha!
This concert is really worth watching and i didn't regret it!! this is my 2nd time attending his concert and this concert is the BEST! haha!

(concert tix!!)
enjoyed myself throughout the concert with joyce! and we were quite high especially during the fast songs!! hahaha! i love his slow songs too! coz that day he sang most of the songs i like! =D and he sang with much emotion! so nice!
best part i like is when 达浪 appeared with 薛海 at the 3d screen!! LOL! so cool!! the audience cheered loudly for 达浪 as compared to 薛海! lol and of coz the famous da lang song was sang loudly by the fans!! haha! and the best part is after that both of them blew kisses to all of us with 3d effect!! LOL so cool!
scroll down for some of the photos taken that day =D wont be uploading into fb =x coz its just for myself and some of my frens to see! haha! i've put them all into my itouch!! so that i can get to see the photos everywhere i go! lol! and the videos too!! =D
today i have successfully controlled my ID from overtaking my EGO! haha! was so tempted to go IMM autograph session!! but saw a comment on fb saying the queue was already quite long (it was then only 12pm)! my gosh! i can't imagine how long will it be if i go there! and guess what..the queue is really madness!! haha! the autograph session took almost 4.5 hours then finish!! wow! poor xiaozhu must be tired but im sure he is very happy to see so many fans! =D
though i didnt went..but im glad enough to attend the handshake session on thurs! and plus his concert!! lol!
all right! now is already 12.42am!! and tml sch at 10am!! haha! shall slp now and i will try to concentrate on my studies tml onwards..this few days been distracted by xiaozhu!! LOL! i will try yea..haha!
take care all!! =D
我会期待 王子的出现
(stadium station of CC! nice!!)
(upon reaching, there was a long queue outside the stadium!! so crowded! all queueing to buy xiaozhu concert items...)

(since we are not able to get the items, we decided to go in and sit first! haha! that's me with my ticket!!)

(the free 3d glasses given to us!! cool!!)

(haha do i look cool? =D)

(both of us waiting for the concert to start!!!)

(and the crowd all starting to fill up the empty seats!!)
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 11:52 PM __
Friday, May 21
need to de-stress a bit before all the projects/tests coming up!! though i already had 2 projects on hand now =x but still got weeks to do! before i actually start everyday stress and study study study from next week onwards!! I so gonna enjoy and love this weekends!!finally waited with much excitement im gonna see his concert tml!!
lol! went to his handshake session on thurs at city sq mall =D thanks serene for accompanying me and we had a great chat while waiting! lol! i was quite surprise by how "crowded" it was when i reached there! the event started at 7.30pm and we were there at abt 2.30pm! the queue was not like so kua zhang till outside or what..just like 4 rows only! haha! then we decided to stroll around the mall first =x so we joined the queue abt 3pm+~ haha! sat there and pass our time by talking!! we were both quite tired coz woke up early that day for lessons..and im so lucky that my lessons end 12pm! lol! suppose to have lesson after that but it was e-learning! haha! how cool =)
finally at 7.30pm he came! haha and before 8pm i already went up stage and shook hands with him! lol! it was like so fast =.= maybe like 5 secs? haha! if i rmb this is my 2nd time shook hands with him? i cant rmb 3 yrs ago during the autograph did i shake hands a not..haha! anyway i think he finds my hand so cold! haha! his expression kind of funny! lol! =x
will be meeting joyce tml for dinner then we'll be taking circle line to the stadium! =D thank god now got circle line! if not will be quite inconvinent for me and joyce! haha =D we gonna enjoy the concert!! will update maybe tml after watching =D
as for sunday, he got autograph session at still thinking if i shld go =x there's this temptation keep asking me to go..but yet my superego telling me not to coz it's far and late!! well..i shall try to control my id from over taking my ego!! haha
update again soon!! gonna rest liao =D
have an enjoyable weekend everyone!! =)
take care ^-^
我会期待 王子的出现
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 10:30 PM __
Saturday, May 15
so happy!! coz was cheated before! haha! this time round finally ended!
the next attachment will be after exams which is maybe oct! haha! =)
ytd last day was quite happy! coz im finally same shift with my frens!! vani and xiaochao =D had fun working together! lol! not to forget the ite gals too! took photos with them ytd after work ^-^ wish them all the best in their studies and career!!

(3 of us with the lovely gals =))

(group photo of us with adv. dip)
we also bid goodbye to our patients we have been taking care of and some of the staffs there =) gave them merci chocolate! haha! and gave CI thank you card and ferrero rocher! =) poor CI having URTI, which so happens im having too since ytd! haha! may she recover soon!
now need to start preparing for sch!! haha happy coz can go back and slack/joke/gossip with my long time no see frens!! sad coz need to chiong projects and tests soon...=(
so i shall enjoy this 2 days till the fullest!! haha!
thanks to sis! this morning had a yummy breakfast!!
went bukit timah road, french restaurant name Choupinette to dine!

(the nice lamp on our table)

(menu of the night)

(trying to take showing the special tall chair im sitting on!)

(the menu!! =))
sis ordered macarons from there to give her colleagues and also some of ourself! lol! so we went there to collect and 顺便 dine!!

though its very exp!! but the egg benedict is yummy!!! =)

i was having throat pain so can't eat the fried i ordered english coq!

and we had cranberry juice and grapefruit juice for our drinks! =D

sis ordered strawberry almond tart as dessert! i didnt took photo of it coz was busy enjoying my soup! haha! tried one of her strawberries and not too bad! so sis da bao it for her fren! so nice huh! haha

tml will be day out with my niece!! =D loves!! maybe going marina or rws =D
enjoy my frens!!
take care all ^-^
我会期待 王子的出现
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 7:04 PM __
Saturday, May 8
要不断提醒自己 所想要达到的目标
Happy Mother's Day to all mummys in advance!! =)
Happy first month to my nephew baby cleandro! =)

had an enjoyable day today ^-^
went to cousin's place around noon with mum and dad =) sis was not well so did not went~ kind of enjoyed myself especially playing with the kids!! lol they are all so cute!! also had some catch up with some of my cousins who went =) here's some pics taken today! for the rest pls go to my FB =D

(cristal with her fren! haha!)

(cristal playing with jiajia)

(me and cristal)

(she is growing up fast and getting more and more cute!!)
reached home around 6pm! and da bao a lot of food from my aunt's place! haha! coz the buffet they ordered left quite a lot of my mum da bao some back! gosh! eat till so full!! till im so sleepy now! haha!
i need to drink herbal tea!! my family is sick =.= mum till having having urti..sis just got urti few days ago!! OH NO!! contagious =.=" better not fall sick!! coz next week is LAST WEEK OF ATTACHMENT!! must not get MC!! haha!
ytd was my mum bday! went to crystal jade with mum, sis and uncle ^-^ also eat till very full! oh no!! i need to lose weight already..coz tml going to dine out for lunch at crystal jade again with family to celebrate mother's day!! ahhhhh..
next week need to be on diet!! lol!
below are some photos of happenings on last weekend!
update again soon!!
take care all! =)
我会期待 王子的出现
last sat - went jb with bro, sis-in-law and my niece! took railway train from tanjong pagar to woodlands checkpoint then to jb! =) *for more photos, pls go to my fb*
(went jb danga city mall)
(train arrived!!)
(my niece showing her big TWIST!! haha!)
(the train we took departs!!)
(on the train back to sg =))
Last Sunday - celebrate shirley's bday @ plaza sing's pizza hut =)
(me and birthday girl!)
(candid shot! haha)
(our group photo =D)

(birthday card written by all of us for shirley)
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 7:29 PM __
Monday, May 3

(taken from fb)
weekends past really fast =( i hoped for today to be PH! haha! but cant! sighs!
sat went jb with bro, sis-in-law and my niece!! ^-^ initially was cancelled coz my niece got flu! but she was better that day! so we decided to go again! haha! went to meet my bro at outram then he drove to the tanjong pagar railway station =)
my first time taking the train!! haha! quite an interesting experience =) took the train till woodlands checkpoint then to jb! haha took about 1 hour plus journey in total! coz of waiting time all that! haha! kind of fun =) and my niece sat with me!! =D
so we reached jb shopping mall abt 2.30pm! then had lunch! penang hokkien mee!! then stroll around the mall till about 7pm! coz the train to bring us back only comes after 7pm~ waited till almost 8pm then the train come! gosh so long..reached home abt 9pm that day! had fun though quite tired! haha!
photos will be up soon~ haven't upload yet! lol need to do my case study and a lot of things to do..arghh! busy busy =.="
ytd also had fun day =) went ps to celebrate shirley's bday =) dine at pizza hut and cut cake there =) after that i went home coz my relatives came to my house~ was quite irritated with one of them before i go out coz of some things =.= she dun appreciate and still can be so rude and impatient =.=" i was quite pissed! but i went out when she reached! haha
update again soon!! got to busy with my case study liao! update photos soon!! =)
take care all ^-^
may u all have a smooth week!
我会期待 王子的出现
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 10:02 AM __