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Welcome to janice's blog =)
Saturday, October 24

糟糕! 哈哈

opps..sat gone playing! suppose to revise n study..shit =.="

first wk of sch just gone so fast! with all the projects coming up soon...need to get REAL busy soon =.="

watched esp 1 of tao hua xiao mei 桃花小妹 @ youtube =) haha not bad! wang qing lun damn funny! haha! but he very poor thing in the show =.= kena bully by his 4 bros =.= gonna catch it every weekend =D

saw this video shared by some of my frens in fb =D its really cool!

just a short post =) gonna go revise a bit now...but im yawning already..lol!

take care all =)

my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 10:45 PM __

Wednesday, October 21


24hrs/day..its not enough for me =.=

the difference between sch life and work life..sch life its facing ur books the whole day =.= working life is only work 8-9hrs and after work is relax time! arghh..pimples appearing on forehead again! hate it! means im stress =(

its Day 3 of my sem 2~ quite stress already coz the modules this sem are not easy =.=" i shall motivate myself to study more and less games! haha! jia you jia you!!

just a short update..very tired and got tons of things to do..

will update again during weekends =)

miss my niece! may she, my bro and da sao have an enjoyable trip =)

my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 7:55 PM __

Sunday, October 18

谢谢你 =)

short entry today =)

cousin wedding's today =) looking fwd to see the babies =D though baby matthew not going..but jiajia wont be lonely! she got baby cristal to play with! haha =D

always feel so touched when attending wedding dinner =) how the times they've spent together..gone thru..and finally tie the knot~ it really takes a lot of courage and trust to get there~ i hope my wish of getting married by 26 will come true! haha..4 more yrs to go..and prince still somewhere out there~ im still searching..=)

here's one video to share =) song by ding dang =)

update again soon! gonna get back to my busy lifestyle! jia you!!

my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 12:18 AM __

Friday, October 16


not in the mood to start sch at all! haha!

well..lessons mostly starts 9 or 10 =) only thurs 8am! haha! this is the advantage..but..the modules we gonna take is adding up the stress! =.="

(with besties @ nyp mac =D taken using peiting's hp =x credit rachel =D peiting says we looked like in genting! haha)

(taken using my phone =D credit rachel =))

went to buy the books on thurs and it costs abt $39~ started browsing thru the books already make me sian half =x especially bio! gosh..the worst of all..studying on the complicated nervous system..which the topic itself can be very dry =.= i need to start drinking coffee every morning liao! haha! to maintain my attention span! and to complain more..there's 1500 words assignment! gosh! haha

must motivate myself again to study hard =) jia you!! 2 more days for me to relax! haha!

finally i watched twilight!

haha! it's like out since last year =.= im slow! =x watched it on wed =) and im loving it!! haha! edward cullen!! =x reading the novel now =x haha! the new moon will be out in 3rd dec =D looking fwd =)

quite emo nowadays =x thinking too much maybe! haha! nvm! cheer up!! =)

all right update again tml =)

take care all! =)

my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 11:47 PM __

Wednesday, October 14


timetable is out =) not too bad! not as packed i thought it will be =D and it seems that most of the teachers are new..only 2 of them taught us before! and kind of disappointed my development psycho lecturer is not mr lim! =( hopefully mario will delivered his lectures as interesting as mr lim! haha =)

books will be ready tml! will be going to buy =D i need to do some pre-reading huh =D

weather nowadays is gloomy and humid =.=" i got the feeling im falling sick! oh gosh..especially this 2 weeks morning sinus been bad! just read the paper, may have another wave of h1n1 coming soon! hopefully not! pray hard!

once sch reopens, busy lifestyle for me! i must control myself to cut down on fb! study more =)

here's one video i came across shared by one of my contacts in fb~ it's really sad..

before u watch it, click PAUSE on mixpod player =) thanks

all right! that's all for the post! may be going out later =D

take care my frens!


my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 12:02 PM __

Monday, October 12



*changed new blogskin =)*


haha im tired =x

update abt last weekends fun time =)

sat went out in noon to town to meet yihui and xiaodi =) we went ion to stroll and yihui bought her wallet and clothes =) then go prada find fabian! lol! kinda awkard coz he's busy and then just go there hi only =x

wanted to look for max kor present but doesn't seems to have any suitable ones @ prada =x haha! exp yo =x

after ion went to orchard central and slack our time there =x then headed our way to fish & co near PS there =)

(xiao di and me)

and max kor is slping..and his hp low batt! what a nice timing!! we were like mass calling him!! and take our own sweet time to eat! haha! finally he woke up and called us back around 6pm!! phew!!

then he drove us to fetch uncle kun! haha! after that drove us to night safari =)

(inside max kor's van)

super crowded that day!! but kinda fun! haha! coz its challenging going with a big grp!! mmt side plus me got 5..and peiting side 3, siew ying side 3! total 11 pple! gosh! haha =)

here's some pics =)

we bought the $35 tic! for both entrance and the tram ride! haha! started off by walking to see animals first =) then 1/2 way some mis-communication! so end up we walked soooooooooooo long =.= haha nvm! after walking quite a distance we took the tram ride! haha quite fun =) and i sat in between uncle kun and max kor! LOL! scared =x

after zoo went home coz tired =x and the rest went ahead to makan! haha! glad that most of them enjoyed =)

hope to have another outing soon! =D

all right! gonna rest! sleepy..ytd went ikea, giant with my niece! haha! and she cant stop singing "i want nobody nobody but you"!! sang almost 20times!! gosh!! haha!!

have a nice week ahead!! gonna treasure my last week of hols!

my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 1:10 PM __

Friday, October 9


forgive and forget.

regretted. shld not have asked them in first place. they probably dun even know im pissed and disappointed with them -.- forget it.

just hope it will be a smooth one. a happy one. an enjoyable one.


still a bit down with flu! not so serious but i guess is sinus! coz morning wake up will sneeze a few times!

this week so called resting week! haha! didn't go out as much often as i did last 2 weeks =D left next week to enjoy!

still dunno what's my next term timetable..hope it will be a good one! haha! gonna drop by sch next week to check if the books are ready! need to do some pre-reading before sch starts =D

cannot keep playing fb! haha! all right! that's all for the post =)

update after tml! will post pics of the outing to night safari tml =)

take care all!

my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 10:14 AM __

Monday, October 5

朋友永远都在 :)

flu got worst! arghhh =.= makes me drowsy! =(

partly due to the weather..raining nowadays quite cold at times and sometimes humid! and i caught in the rain on sat night =x so maybe that explains why im still sneezing..=(

also coz i have been going out! haha!

ytd was fun day out with max kor and yihui =) haha first time nv go out with my niece =x awww she was looking for me ytd when she woke up =x miss her!
went to meet yihui 4pm at j8 first while waiting for max kor to come fetch us! haha! just strolled a while for xiaodi's present and max arrived! so he drove us to t3 as it's still early =x we went there to stroll around and even took sky train to t2! haha! passing our time taking pics!

(zhi lian inside toilet! lol)

(art piece done by yh! haha! present for xiaodi =x)

(love this pic!! haha max kor trying to siam! LOL funny sia)

and guess what..there's this tribute to MJ event at t3 and goodness I THOUGHT I WAS SEEING REAL MJ LIVE DANCING N SINGING! that guy really dressed himself so much alike like MJ!! though im standing a distance from the stage can see the guy majiam like another MJ! for that moment it feels as though watching MJ LIVE! haha! the crowd was high! and he sang billie jeans =D

i didn't managed to capture his photo coz my cam batt was going low! haha! and he walked so fast =.= but nvm managed to snap a few from where im standing! haha! (click on the pics to get a bigger view)

after that headed our way to ECP for xiaodi's 21st surprise bday =D
his frens were so thoughtful in organizing the surprise bbq for him! haha! 3 of us like extras as we dunno them =x so we just sat one corner and waited for xiaodi's arrival! ate bee hoon and a bit curry while waiting! so paisey! haha and the sky was getting gloomy! looks like gonna rain anytime! so we were praying not to rain!! and xiaodi arrived around 8pm+! =D he was really surprised! haha! after sang bday song and cut cake =) then we just ate the cake and left =x

(me zhi lian again! haha)

(us with bday boy =))
headed our way back to t3 again!! haha! coz we are quite hungry still =x went to dine @ popeye's! my first time eating! haha and thanks to my nice kor!! he treated us =D i ate the 2pcs chicken meal =D quite yummy =) but was too full coz before that ate the yummy oreo cheesecake! so i didnt finish the fries! haha paisey =x

and our kind kor fetched us home =D reached home around 10.40pm =D slept almost 1am ytd coz was too full and bathed..so awake! and NOW SNEEZING! arghh!

suppose to go bowling with my lovely frens @ occ..but cant =( hope to have another outing with them before sch starts!

looking forward to this sat!! going town with yihui and xiaodi then at night going NIGHT SAFARI!! halloween night!! =D hopefully they can go and with peiting n her frens and siew ying =D fun fun!

all right gonna take a rest soon..drowsiness starting..yawns..

take care all!

my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 10:49 AM __

Friday, October 2


Pray for the victims of the earthquake..

today resting day =)

last few days kept going out till tired! haha! here's post for the past few days =)

Thursday - 01/10

went cc tour with mum~ went quite a few places =D like yakult factory, air force musuem, food factory, asian museum and bedok for lunch =D i felt like a tourist! haha going for mini tour around sg =x been quite some time since i followed my mum..last time always go with her! haha! but since grad from sec sch, i didnt go liao =x

it's quite fun =D coz exploring some places in which i never go before! haha! and the group we went with mostly children!! coz its children's day! haha so im glad im not so bored with mostly elderlys =x

here's some pics =D just uploaded some to share =D

asia musuem pics

(it's just located opp fullerton hotel! and near cbd area nice =))

(pics taken at the air air force museum)

(pics taken at yakult factory)

Wednesday- 30/09

went back to visit my ex colleagues and shop around chinatown =D so heartwarming to see them!! haha! glad to see most of them though a few of them away on course and leave..but nvm! might drop by again next week or my last week =D hopefully can have lunch with them =D misses!! i felt like going back to my 2nd home! haha! so memorable..!! and pretty mum angie is pregnant again! haha! happy for her =)
after visiting and chit chat with them for a while, went chinatown with mum =D ate $8 frog leg porridge!! omg! but its yummy! its hotpot one! haha! then after that walked around chinatown streets and mum wanted to buy da zhong guo's mooncake~ searched quite long for it and finally found it! haha =) after that went home as mum wanna watch her fav drama! lol!
Tuesday- 29/09

went to dye hair only =D haha! didn't go out coz tired and the weather so hazy makes me sick -.-"

Monday- 28/09

went out with shirley =D went town to have our lunch and then headed our way to partyworld =D i didn't know it shifted! haha! and the new outlet quite cool!! the room lightings quite nice! haha! and we sang the 4 hours package one =D so sang from 3 till almost 7pm =) after that headed way home for dinner as mum cooked curry chicken! haha yummy =x

Sunday- 27/09

day out with niece! haha! here's pics taken that day =)

that's all for the long post!! update again =)
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.

` 10:52 PM __