Monday, August 31
tired!! lol
first day of attachment was quite ok! quite a happening ward i've been posted to! =D tml will be starting working! =) and i get to exercise everyday! gonna lose weight! lol! tml onwards will be so called by myself..and glad to know some of them from other class and yr 2 =) hopefully we can work well tml with each other =)
i looked lost today lol! coz not familiar with the new setting! im so used to previous posting at sgh! haha! ah is quite different somehow! =D
finally I GOT MY LETTER!! =) hopefully can get the bond soon and i can have $$!! =)
this will motivate me to work hard during attachment!! i hope i can get A! =)
jia you my frens!! =)
tml gotta wake up at 5am! lol! yawns..
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 5:24 PM __
Thursday, August 27
changes to my imeem playlist! created new playlist with new songs =)
changes to tagbox~ finally got a cbox~ coz the previous one flobber got prob =x
next up changes will be the overal layout! haha! still searching for suitable one and i think need whole day to figure out how to overwrite this skin!! haha
feels really relaxed after burning midnight oil to chiong study for exams this few days! =) have really heavy eye bags and panda eyes are back!! urghhh =x but nvm! i can slp well tonight! haha!
went out with joyce today after my exam!! miss her lots!! =D met her @ great world city and i took cab from bishan to there =x though there are shuttle buses to get there..but nvm!! haha! i went there early first to buy the movie tickets =D we watched UP in 3D!! cool!! haha!
i thought i will fall asleep or keep yawning during the movie but i didnt!! haha! was quite awake and enjoying it! =) thanks to joyce treated me popcorns, sprite and hot dog bun! haha! and i treated her the movie! lol!
after movie which ends around 2pm, we headed our way to town!! haha! i finally got to shop @ ion orchard!

(basement of ion)

(the burger king look so grand! haha)

(click on this pic for larger view! note! the first row 2nd pic..that bowl of noodles cost $20! OMG)
its really spacious and looks high class! haha! we just window shop and dine @ the spoon soup~ once again joyce treated me!! haha! so touched! next time we meet will be my turn to treat her huh =D
after walking around ion~ we took train to toa payoh and shop around central~ lol! i spent $$ again on shoes =x lol! need to save liao! arghhh =x
next few days will be occupied! and i left only 3 days to enjoy before attachment starts!
update again during weekends =)
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 9:41 PM __
Tuesday, August 25
LEFT 1 MORE PAPER TO GO!!! yay!! =)
today had my bio paper! thank god that i memorized the SAQ topics well! and i think i can get full marks! haha! just pray that i will get half of the mcq correct to get A!! omg! quite a no of qns i dunno how to do! haha! and its my first time doing 70 MCQs! what a record! haha!
the other paper FON was quite okay! haha though the first question of SAQ i didn't study well =x i just write what i could remembered! haha! kind of FON-ing also =x
its really fast..coz next week im going attachment!! haha! back to the ward for training! miss those student days =D
i wished i can go mayday concert this coming fri!! haha! dunno if i won the tickets a not =x and still waiting for nhc letter~ hopefully can go down and sign bond soon =)
all right~ gonna mug for my last paper! which is another killer one! so many topics and the extra notes is really thick!!
here's one article on the news today which may be useful for our last paper! haha
"Nursing home says children hardly visit parents to avoid paying fees"
Channel NewsAsia - Tuesday, August 25
Abandoning parents may not be common but it is becoming an emerging issue in Singapore. Five per cent of the elderly at Bright Hill Evergreen Home have not seen their children for some time. The home said the children do not visit so as to avoid paying ward fees. Ninety per cent of some 140 elderly in the home have children who are unable to support them.
Staff at the nursing home said the children would cite reasons such as being busy with work, being ill or that they are having family problems.
The staff added that the elderly who have not seen their children in a long time are prone to depression, and most refuse treatment.
The home said they usually turn to counselling and games to help the elderly keep their minds off their children.
One elderly at the home said: "My children do not come over to visit me, they never came once."
Tang Yip Chong, head nurse, Bright Hill Evergreen Home, said: "The family normally has to pay (the ward fees) for a long time for the parents to stay in the home. (There is a) burden on them (the children), so after some time, they come (less often) to visit the patients so they can more or less escape paying the ward fees."
— CNA/yt
jia you to my frens!! =)
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 6:58 PM __
Thursday, August 20
thank god today paper is quite okay!! not so difficult =D psychology is really interesting! haha! to know the different theories that applies to our lifes! haha!
now left with 3 more modules!! must buck up!! =) hopefully can get B! haha! i aim for gpa at least 3.2 above! hope i can achieve that =)
i just wasted some of my energy to be angry with someone! shall not waste any more energy! must learn to 忍耐(tolerate)!! i'll always forgive and forget =) shall do it for this person~ =)
cant wait for next week after my exams! gonna meet up with joyce!! and my frens like shirley! iris! zhirui kor and mmt pple =D caca! my sec sch buddies! go find my ex colleagues!! haha! looking forward =)
here's some pic taken last sun! with my niece @ suntec event =D
she and her storm troopers!! haha!
storm tropper no1
(waving @ storm trooper)

storm trooper no 2
(twistttt! haha!)

storm trooper no 3
(same as no2! she waves at him again! haha!)

storm trooper no 4
(so happy!!)

with bumblebee
(omg im jealous!! haha! bumble bee so funny! =D)

got to get back to books!! update again =)
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 8:25 PM __
Monday, August 17
went to cut my hair short on sat! haha! now is real short! though i missed my long hair! wanna change~ coz the fizzy perm not really nice liao! though lasted for quite long! since last yr dec till now! now cut short then attachment no need tie bun!! haha! save the trouble!! and somemore the weather nowadays can be so humid! so cooling now to have short hair! =) after attachment then go rebond and dye coz now hair black black =x

(look so sick here! haha!)
thanks to the aunty who cut for me! she very nice! haha! give discount =x coz she knows my mum well! and erm..sort of see me grew up! haha!
this few days wasn't really well! coz of that ear blocked! and the ear blocked causes my throat pain and nose blocked too!! they are sort of related coz of the connections huh! =.=" think i was too heaty!! somemore ate the super tempting brownie from my sch!! haha! and muffins =.="
now still having sore throat and bit flu =( poor me! so sleepy!! but i managed to motivate myself to study at least chpt 9!! haha! now still at chpt 3 =x 6 more chpts to go!! JIA YOU!!
some pics to post here but lazy now! haha! will post it on weekends =)
jia you everyone!! let's mug together!! =D
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 7:40 PM __
Thursday, August 13
finally test is over!! doesn't mean can relax! coz there's 4 modules left for exams!!
test was quite okay =D managed to stop myself from logging into fb for the past 2 days to study! haha! shall try to control from going in fb so often for the next 2weeks!!
quite lost on how to start studying for psychology! need to read the textbook to understand better!! i must try to finish reading by sat!! =)
today only had 1 hour lesson~ just a consolidation lecture! haha! after that went library to study with my group of frens =) was trying to concentrate butttttt MY EAR IS BLOCKED!! ughhhh!! so irritated!! felt so uncomfortable for the whole day! my frens have to talk to me thru my right ear!! haha..if tml still blocked i think i need to go have a check..probably the wax got stuck or my ear is inflammed! arghhhh!
felt like changing blog skin soon! haha! maybe during weekends if not after my exams!
attachment coming soon!! =)
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 8:07 PM __
Sunday, August 9
很感激 因为有你!
love my uncle! w/o him i will be wasting water for the next few days!!

quite a happening national day today!! haha!
first..early in the morning the tap of my kitchen basin suddenly go haywire! omg! it happens when my uncle went out and my mum came back from her cc event! she spotted water flowing out and then tried to adjust it!
who knows..the more she adjust, the more loose the tap becomes and eventually it was spoilt!! water keep flowing non stop!! omg! wasted so many litres of water!! heartache man!!
so i tried controlling the water flowing out by adjusting! it works in certain angles! haha while my mum go look for help!! thank god caiyu's mum was around! she saved us by helping us to lock the water thingy outside my house! haha! if not i dunno what i can do sia!! no other help was available then!
i was lucky i actually bathed before that incident happen!! haha! maybe i predicted it so i bathe early! =x so the rest of my family cant bathe and have to wait till my uncle is back!! he is our saviour man!! always repairs and fix anything that goes haywire!! haha! bravo!!
so i went out with my niece again =x they came late today around 1pm+, and we just went dhoby ghuat, stroll around S'pore art musuem, dine @ delifrance and didnt shop~ coz wanted to catch the ndp live!! my niece was quite restless today! haha! she is tired but refused to slp and keep throwing tantrums! haha but she's still cute in some way which makes my day =)
tml will be STUDY DAY!! haha! no fb games or shopping! haha! MUST STUDY!! test on wed and i just studied like 1/4 of it =.="
update again!! =)
take care all! drink more water as the weather this few days is hot and hazy!!
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 11:14 PM __
Friday, August 7
"Never give up easily in whatever you're doing" a common phrase that is often heard! this always applies to me whenever exams are coming!! haha!

i am about to go into the stage of overstress cause..
there's 4 modules and 1 test to study! for the test i just had only 5 1/2 days left to study!! no tips given and that test is 2hrs long!! and so many topics!! so many definitions!! going mad soon...
as for the exams..more headace! psychology already got 12 chapters to study! tips given! family health is complicated and confusing with all the tools and stages to be getting more stress..and 2 more modules, one of them is bio and foundation of nursing..
gosh!! i need to take more ginko nuts or the ginko nut dessert to increase my memory!!!
haha need to stop playing fb so often!! finally got nhc reply regarding my sponsorship! i got accepted!! yay!! =) now have to wait 1-2wks letter for the letter to be send to me~ =)
all right got to get back to my books..this wk got long weekends but is super packed weekends for me!! tml going collin's 1yr bday!! then sunday hanging out with my niece!! =)
jia you to my frens!! have a nice weekend everyone!! =)
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 9:15 PM __
Monday, August 3
终于恢复正常!!thanks to caca!! haha! my blog posting is back to normal! it seems like there's prob with the internet settings! haha! those who still got prob can go this for help on how to resolve!! =)today had only 1 hour of lesson shiok!! and after that went bugis shopping with serene, peijiun and francina!! =D love shopping!! haha! its a form of relaxation and de-stress huh!! suppose to start studying for test but end up go shopping! lol!ytd was an enjoyable day with my niece!! she came as usual after her sun sch around 12pm and stayed till 2pm~ my bro wanted to bring her home first to change and bathe her so we met again at 6.30pm at my grandma bday celebration!! 

she was soooo cute!! haha! talk and talk!! haha! im glad she isn't afraid of interacting with my cousins and aunts! she even let them hugged!! and she made a new fren ytd!! haha! baby cristal!! she keeps playing peek-a-boo with baby cristal not knowing that baby cristal is just 3mths old!! dunno what is peek-a-boo!
how funny! haha! she never fails to entertain me!! =D love her lots!! =)
baby cristal is cute and adorable too!! haha! though she is not used to the surrouding ytd so cried a few times~ i managed to snap a few photos of her! and including the top~ jiajia taking with cristal!! =)
another baby was present ytd too! baby matthew!!
haha! he's also another cute n adorable baby! cant wait till the next gathering which is one of my cousin's wedding, the babies get together again!! haha!
update again!!
tml lesson at 8am..yawns!!
and i need to start studying for my next wed theory test!!
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 10:55 PM __