Saturday, May 30
had a relax day @ kbox just now =D
went with siew ying, her bf n his fren~ haha! quite funny though...coz we wanted to go orchard de partyworld initially..then john da ge say its closed next is cine de kbox..but his fren drove us back to bishan partyworld and guess's fully booked!! omg cant believe bishan can fully booked! lol! nvm..then he drove us to amk kbox~
so lucky amk kbox got space =D one thing abt amk kbox..IT'S SUPER COLD THERE! omg =.=" been there twice and its still as cold! haha! of coz i brought my jacket along today =x but hands still cold! =S
so we sang from abt 4pm to 7pm =D 3 hours! of coz not enough! haha! but nvm! i enjoyed today and got free treat from the guys..haha thanks!! feel so paisey coz this is 2nd time da ge treat me =S
thurs met up with shirley =D haha we always cant get to meet out coz of my schedule =x we just dine @ j8 cafe cartel =D hope to meet her out again during my june 2 weeks break =D
update again =)
i just hope my tons of assignments can end soon!! haha they are like never ending omg =(
躲回温暖的梦 我一个人就好
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 8:38 PM __
Monday, May 25
something to share with all of u =) got this from a fwd email =) its meaningful and something for us to learn =)
A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a Rupee 500 note.
In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this Rupee 500 note?"
Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this note to one of you but first let me do this."
He proceeded to crumple the note up.
He then asked, "Who still wants it?"
Still the hands were up in the air.
"Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty.
"Now who still wants it?"
Still the hands went into the air.
"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth Rupee 500/-.
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value.
You are special. Don't ever forget it! Never let yesterday's disappointments overshadow tomorrow's dreams.
that's all for today post =) gonna log in to the e-learning website to download our homewk -.-" and 2 more projects to do!!
jia you jia you =)
躲回温暖的梦 我一个人就好
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 6:02 PM __
Sunday, May 24
成全不是美德 拒绝也不是一种罪过
sick! =(
having flu since friday! and it got worst coz i am not an obedient patient resting well at home!! haha =x
sorry for not updating coz ever since poly life started! i really got less time for blogging! everyday is either studying/revising for test or playing fb games or doing projects =x haha! lazy to blog so frequent =x
glad that i have managed to pull through a smooth and success week! bio test 1 over and now left with 2 projects to go =D jia you jia you!! =)
weekend was fully occupied for me =) sat was a special day! its the day of our 10th year friendship anniversary! haha! how time flies and we still in contact after 10 years!! =) 10 yrs ago i was still sec 1 then..and most of them were volunteers helping out to read and type the chinese books =D so memorable! the fun and joy we had at the isb =) i was actually not well but don't want to miss such an memorable event so i went there with my drowsiness =x haha!
here's a group photo we took together =D (more uploaded @ fb)

today also tiring day! coz its making of dumplings today!! my mum and uncle depends on me for the wrapping as they don't really know how! haha! so i taught them how to wrap and my brillant uncle learnt it fast! he then took over my role as i got drowsy after taking the flu med..awww =.= my flu didn't get any better coz ytd i slept around 1am and woke up @ 7.30am today =x
wanted to get some nap but my niece came! so as usual playing with her! haha! guess she spread her flu to me! coz she was having flu last week =x my immune system was quite lag huh to get it one week later! haha =x then i managed to get abt 1 hour nap around 2pm when my niece slept on my bed~
hopefully tml i will be ok coz there's temp checking! and tml only need to attend 1 hour of lesson -.-" haha! next week is relaxing week! =) only need to attend sch for few hours and wed, fri no sch =)
all right! gonna read up some stuff and continue my last 3 esp of BOF!! =) ji hoo!! haha!
have a nice week ahead =)
躲回温暖的梦 我一个人就好
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 6:37 PM __
Sunday, May 17
(from s.h.e new song 锁住时间)
frens around me complaining 24 hours a day is not enough for them!! haha! i thought so too! coz almost 1/2 of it is for sleeping!! haha!
getting tired easily ever since i started sch =S i am still stuck at esp 20 for BOF and esp 1 for ToGether! omg =.= and there's a few more dramas to catch! haha..really can't wait for the 2 weeks break!! need to relax!!
all right! just a short post today =) got to start memorising the bio terms! i hope that my LTM(long term memory) will bring back some of the things i've learnt 3 years ago!! arghh!!
躲回温暖的梦 我一个人就好
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 1:25 PM __
Wednesday, May 13
(from tank's new song)
i seriously hate insects!! especially beetles! aww! just now there's one beetle flying around my living room so i wanted to siam it and quickly go to my room BUT it was faster than me! argh! so irritating! keep flying inside my room!! especially the buzz sound!! yucks!
haha! gosh! my uncle tried to chase it out but it refused! omg! haha so i switched off the lights for a while and thank god! it flew back to my living room! of coz i quickly close my door and hide inside my room! haha =x
coward me! i also dislike cockroaches! =S
enough of insects! haha!
just came across this meaningful website =) here's some of the quotes to share =D
Perseverance is commitment, hard work, patience, endurance.
Perseverance is being able to bear difficulties calmly and without complaint.
Perseverance is trying again and again.
When something doesn't work right, try again and again.
Don't lose your temper when something upsets you.

(me and ayekhiang =) taken during lab lesson)
more photos to come..=D
have a nice day everyone =) FRIDAY IS COMING!! yea =D
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 10:48 PM __
Friday, May 8
i wished my memory can be better! so that i dun need to memorize so many things!! haha!
stress level is building up! especially now week 3 ending! just 2 more weeks to theory tests and presentation of one of my projects!! wahhh!
after that one by one followed! assessment test, 2 projects presentation! with the load of assignments now, i gonna have less time for blogging, shopping, hang out with frens and gaming!! must prioritise my time and work!
this is poly life huh! i am starting to miss those ITE days and working @ snec!! aww! haha!
not giving up! must keep striving!! =D
i am loving the module psychology! haha! its cool to study on how we behaviour and our thinkings! interesting! haha! i guess only @ psy lectures i am so awake and pay full attention! lol!
here's some photos taken with my lovely classmates =D they rocks! ^-^
me and pearlyn =)

serene, me and peijiun =)

me, serene and liana @ library!

me and shahida =)
update again! have a nice weekend everyone =D
躲回温暖的梦 我一个人就好
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 10:24 PM __
Sunday, May 3
i say to revise my work everyday..
once i sit down infront of the table..
i just switch on my pc or laptop and chatting in msn and facebook!! hahaha!
how to score A like that =x awww! haha! guess i need to self discipline! dun come online so often liao =x
really happy that siew ying got into nyp!! still dunno which class and group she'll in! i really hope she can be in same group as me!! haha! peiting has eleanor so to be fair siew ying must be with me!
haha! just realise that 4 of us really got 缘分(fate)! we were in same attachment group since ite year 1 and now 4 of us into same batch at nyp! =D
we were saying after 3 yrs during our graduation we take photo together! haha!
below is the photo that we took 2yrs ago =D

and with siew ying and peiting =) my besties!
we have made a deal to study together once a week! haha! to motivate each other =D
all right! gonna start mugging! tests and projects all around the corner =S
take care all =)
躲回温暖的梦 我一个人就好
my thoughts ; my colourrless world.
` 8:31 PM __